Sell from your iPad/Android
Sell from your website
Membership packages
Paperless signatures and contracts
Account Overview
Check-in Software
Retention Contact Tools
24/7 Check-in Security System
Calendar on your own website
Calendar for your social media
Easy reservations
Drop in rates on your website
Eliminate Delinquent Accounts
Reduce Business Expenses
Increase Staff Productivity
Receive Member Dues Daily
24/7 Check-in Security System
Digital key tags
Barcode key tags
RFID key tags
Employee Commissions
Personal Training Tools
Membership Sales Tools
Retention & Attrition Tracking
We Help Gym Owners Grow Their Business By Offering Comprehensive Features, Highly Competitive Prices & Strategic Industry Advice.
✔30-day 100% money back guarantee
Think of Sales Guru as your digital sales assistant. Capture contact information while giving your prospective customer a facility tour. Close the sale at the crucial moment when the customer is most engaged. Turn walk-outs into instant leads! Issue guest passes on the spot for undecided customers. Sales Guru is the fastest and most reliable way to collect member information.